Pinus Sibirica is well know as Siberian Stone Pine. It is an evergreen coniferous species of tree that grows to mature heights of 100 feet (35 m) with a trunk up to 72 inches (1.8 m) diameter. Pinus Sibirica are mountain trees, found along major rivers at elevations of 100-200m and in mountains up to about 2400 m. They are commonly found in the areas of: China: Heilongjiang, Nei Mongol, Xinjiang; Russia: the Urals and Siberia, Kazakhstan and Mongolia. Its maximum lifetime is expected to be 800-850 years. Around the age of 24-45, it gives its very first pine cones.

Its seeds are very tasty and nutritious, harvested and eaten by people for generations. The timber is used for onstruction and furniture.Ecologically and Economically, Pinus Sibirica are very important trees.Besides protecting water and the soil, it provides food to variety of animals including bears, boars, squirrels and birds.