It is safe to say that pine nuts have zero waste. Pine nut husks are often used in home decorations, especially, as pillow fillings, bathroom decorations and air fresheners. Pine nut husks contain high phytoncides, which are essential aromatic volatile oils that are excrete by plants and trees. Phytoncides are work as anti-microbial in the human body. So, when we breathe in these chemicals, they help to increase the number and activity of a type of white blood cell called natural killer cells (NK). Studies have found that the NK cells help to kill tumors and virus-infected cells in our bodies.

Amazingly, the impact of the inhaled phytoncides lasts for more than 30 days in the human body system. Also, pine nut husks can be found in cosmetic products.

Contact us

Office Address:
Sukhbaatar District-1, Chinggis
Avenue-8 Business Plaza-401
Ulaanbaatar-14251, Mongolia

Production Facility Address:
Songinokhairkhan District, 32th khoroo
Nomingal LLC manufacturer,
Ulaanbaatar – 11000, Mongolia

Tel/Fax: +976-70113376
Mobile: +976-99111288