We are the professionals

NOMINGAL LLC is a professional forestry organization that holds specialized forest product harvesting permit. And, we operate closely with the government of Mongolia and regional governance. We have several harvesting teams all consist of professional foresters, and all pine nuts are harvested by hand. Each year, we raise donations to protect forests and its wildlife, and we take a pride organizing such events.

Natural Zones of Mongolia

Mongolia has 7 natural zones such as High Mountain Zone, Taiga Forest Zone, Mountain Forest Steppe Zone, Steppe Zone, Desert-Steppe Zone, Gobi Desert Zone, Wetlands. And, forests cover approximately 15% of the country’s territory and mostly consist of pines and birches. However, the most virgin and wildest land in Mongolia is the Gobi Desert and forest Taiga. And, our products are served to you from the Mongolian Taiga.

Contact us

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Tel/Fax: +976-70113376
Mobile: +976-99111288
E-mail: info@nomingal.mn
Website: nomingal.mn

Production Facility Address:
Songinokhairkhan District, 32th khoroo
Nomingal LLC manufacturer,
Ulaanbaatar – 11000, Mongolia

Office Address:
Nomin Gal LLC
Khan-Uul District-15
Chinggis Avenue-33
Success Rider Tower-702/703
Ulaanbaatar-17011, Mongolia